College Code : VML

Aims & Objectives

  • To provide a forum for the old students of the College to meet and discuss the matters of common interest.
  • To promote the interests of the College and its past and present students.
  • To promote goodwill and mutual assistance among the members.
  • To contribute to the cause of technical education by sharing the experience of those in the field.
  • To help the authorities to improve the academic and cultural activities of the college.
  • To co-operate with the students in literary, cultural and sports activities of the college.
  • To help the members in employment and service matters without interfering in the policies of their employers.
  • To arrange and conduct programmes of general and technical nature.
  • To co- operate with other such bodies for the same ends.
  • To promote other matters beneficial to prospects of the association

Membership and Subscription

All former students who have graduated from this college shall be eligible for membership of the association. All the final year students of the college shall be associate members of the association. All the members of the teaching faculties of the college shall be ex- officio members of the association. The former members of the teaching staff of the college who have served the college for a period of five years shall be honorary members of the association. Only members whose names are included in the membership register shall have the voting power.

The application for membership shall be made in the prescribed form and shall be addressed to the secretary. The executive committee of the association shall admit a member based on the application. An applicant if admitted as a member shall so notified by the secretary.

Subscription: The subscription for the life membership shall be Rs. 100/- to be paid in a single installment. No fee is to be paid by the associate members of the Association.


Office Bearers

  • Dr.Benny Joseph

    Principal ( PRESIDENT )

  • Mr. Shinto Mathew

    Alumni ( VICE PRESIDENT )

  • Mr.Jomy Jose

    Associate Professor, Dept. of ASH
    ( VICE PRESIDENT, Teacher )

  • Ms.Richu M Shelly

    Alumni ( SECRETARY )

  • Ms. Shelma George

    Assistant Professor, EEE
    ( SECRETARY, Teacher )

  • Mr. Jijo Joseph

    Assistant Professor, EEE

  • Mrs. Pallavai Chandrashekaran

    Alumni- Secratery

  • Mr.Ryne P M

    Associate Professor,ME
    (Vice President)

  • Mr Tharanath K

    (Alumni -Vicepresident)

  • Ms. Tintu Devasia


  • Mr.Binil Kumar


Other Staff Members

1 Unnikrishnan  M Members  of  Executive Committee (Alumni)
2 Kishore  Jose Members  of  Executive Committee (Alumni)
3 Jubin Sebastian Members  of  Executive Committee (Alumni)
4 Rassal Muhammed Members  of  Executive Committee (Alumni)
5 Shone  Jose Members  of  Executive Committee (Alumni)
6 Lexu  Jose Members  of  Executive Committee (Alumni)
7 Tomlin Mathew Members  of  Executive Committee (Alumni)
8 Alex  M  Sunny Members  of  Executive Committee (Alumni)
9 Mr. Vasudevan  M EEE Members  of ExecutiveCommittee  (Teachers)
10 Mr. Vinod J Thomas ECE Members  of Executive Committee  (Teachers)
11 Ms.Asha  Baby CSE Members  of Executive Committee  (Teachers)
12 Mr.Ryne  P M ME Members  of Executive Committee  (Teachers)
13 Mr. Shaji  George ME Members  of Executive Committee  (Teachers)
14 Reshma  K V AEI Members  of Executive Committee  (Teachers)
15 Mr. Shijith Thomas ASH Members  of Executive Committee  (Teachers)
16 Ms. Anuragi  P CE Members  of Executive Committee  (Teachers)

  • Alumni meet “Oruvattomkoodi” conducted on 10/09/2016
  • Alumni meet "Oruvattomkoodi" conducted on 13/10/2018
  • Alumni meet "Oruvattomkoodi 2019" conducted on 12/10/2019

The Alumni meet of VimalJyothi Engineering College ‘ORUVATTOM KOODI’ was conducted on 10th September 2016 at Varikkattu Hall. Welcome speech was done by Ms. Laly James, (HOD EEE). Dr. Benny Joseph (Principal, VJEC) presided over the meet. Programme was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. Thomas Melvettath (Chairman,VJEC) by lighting the lamp. Felicitation was given by Rev.Fr.JinuVadakkemulanjinal (Administrator, VJEC), Rev.Fr George Asarikunnel (Bursar VJEC), Mr.SebastianPuthanpurakkal (PRO VJEC) , Alumni Representative MsNidhina and Mr. Shineesh. Dr. Manoj V. Thomas (HOD, CSE) delivered the vote of thanks.

After the inauguration session there were many cultural programmes organized by the alumni. In memory sharing session almost all the participants shared their life at VJEC. Around 100 alumni participated in the event. Lunch was arranged at Msgr. Mathew M Chalil Auditorium.


Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Alumni meet of Vimal Jyothi Engineering College was held on 13th October 2018 at Varikkattu Hall. Alumni from different years attended the meet. Dr. Benny Joseph, Principal of VJEC welcomed and briefed the significance of alumni reunion for the growth of the institution and the individuals.

Chairman, Rev.Fr. Dr. Thomas Melvattath graced the occasion with his presence and inaugurated the event. The program started with lighting of lamp followed by felicitations. The program coordinator Ms. Laly James explained the bylaws of Alumni association and elected new members. After the election a photo session conducted for all the elected members of the alumni association. Various Cultural programs performed by staff and alumni made the day vibrant and colorful

In response, few of the alumni shared their experience as well as interesting moments of campus life to the audience A delicious lunch was served for all the alumni members at the end of alumni meet.






Alumni Registration

Alumni Services Request Form
