College Code : VML

Research Publications

Sl.No Year Title of the paper Faculty Name Faculty Department Journal Name ISSN No. Listed in
1 2023 An Adaptive Control Strategy for Performance Improvement of a Hybrid Vehicle With Fuel Cell and Supercapacitor Ms. Shelma George, Electrical and Electronics Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET)
2 2023 Power line Voltage Sag Mitigation by Dynamic Voltage Restorer using ANN optimization Technique Approach Dr.G.Justin Sunil Dhas Electrical and Electronics International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management ISSN: 2582-3930 UGC
3 2023 A review on Diagnosis of Lung Cancer and lung nodules in histopathological images using deep convolutional neural network Dr.Roshini TV, Ms.Shimna P K Electronics and Communication IEEE SCOPUS

Sl.No Year Title of the paper Faculty Name Faculty Department Journal Name ISSN No. Listed in
1 2022 "Performance Characterization of a Solar Cavity Collector Using Artificial Neural Network," Dr. S. Christopher Ezhil Singh Mechanical Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, SCOPUS
2 2022 Influence of Rotation Speeds on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints of Friction Stir Welded AA2014-T6/AA6061-T6 Alloys, Dr. S. Christopher Ezhil Singh Mechanical "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering," ISSN: 0954-4089 SCI
3 2022 Breast cancer detection in mammogram: combining modifed CNN and texture feature based approach Dr.Jayesh George,Dr.Anto Sahaya Dhas,Binil Kumar K,Adarsh K S Electronics and Communication Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 1868-5137 SCIE &SCOPUS
4 2022 Flame dynamics of premixed CH4/H2/air flames in a microchannel with a wall temperature gradient Jithin Edacheri Veetil Combustion Theory and Modelling- Taylor & Francis SCI
5 2022 Effect of hydrogen addition on the dynamics of premixed C1eC4 alkane-air flames in a microchannel with a wall temperature gradient Jithin Edacheri Veetil International Journal of Hyrdrogen Energy-Elsevier SCOPUS
6 2022 A Review on Power Generation Enhancements in a Pumped Storage Powerhouse by Using Appropriate Guide Vane Sealing Material Dr.P.Sridharan Mechanical Journal of Alternate Energy Sources and Technologies eISSN: 2230-7982 UGC
7 2022 Effectiveness of Feature Extraction by PCA-Based Detection and Naive Bayes Classifier for Glaucoma Images S.Christopher Ezhil Singh, Mechanical International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, SCOPUS
8 2022 Compression behaviour Mg-Zn-xSr-HA hybrid nanocomposites through powder metallurgy method S.Christopher Ezhil Singh, Mechanical Materials Today: Proceedings -Elsevier SCOPUS
9 2022 Tribological and mechanical properties Mg-Zn-xSr-HA hybrid nanocompistes prepared by powder metallurgy technique S.Christopher Ezhil Singh, Mechanical Materials Today: Proceedings -Elsevier SCOPUS
10 2022 Wind energy conversion system-based PMSG for maximum power tracking and grid synchronization using adaptive fuzzy logic control Teena George, Jayapraksh p,Tinu Francisa, Christopher Ezhil Singh, Sreedharan Electrical and Electronics Journal of Applied Research and Technology ISSN 1665-6423 e-ISSN 2448-6736 SCOPUS
11 2022 Weapon detection using ML for PPA Dr.Jayesh George,Dr.Anto Sahaya Dhas and Nabeel Electronics and Communication Proceedings of Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Information and Control Systems 978-981-16-7330-6 SCOPUS
12 2022 Effect of hydrogen addition on the dynamics of premixed c1-c4 alkaline air flames in a microchannel with a well temperature gradient Jithin E Mechanical International Journal of hydrogen energy (Science Direct) SCI
13 2022 Sustainable Green Connected Systems Through Integrated Organic Waste Management Eco-model for the Green Clean Campus Anit Thomas M, Genimon Vadakkemulanjanal Joseph, Helen Thomas, Agnes Thomas M Computer Science ECS Transactions DOI 10.1149/10701.10423ecst SCOPUS
14 2022 PRODUCTIVITY ASSESSMENT MODEL USING PRODUCTIVITY ASSESSMENT MODEL USING FUZZY LOGIC APPROACH Sanika Sumesh, Anuragi P, International journal of creative research thoughts ISSN: 2320-2882
15 2022 ANALYSIS OF CONCRETE FILLED DOUBLE SKIN STEEL COLUMN WITH FRP WRAPPING Ashwathi M S,Margaret Abraham International journal of creative research thoughts ISSN: 2320-2883
16 2022 NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION AND COMPARISON STUDY OF COLD FORMED STEEL CASTELLATED I-SECTION Priya K c, Peter Jobe International journal of creative research thoughts ISSN: 2320-2884
17 2022 5G-Telecommunication Allocation Network Using IoT Enabled Improved Machine Learning Technique Dr.Roshini T V Electronics and Communication International journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1530-8669 SCOPUS

Sl.No Year Title of the paper Faculty Name Faculty Department Journal Name ISSN No. Listed in
1 2021 Maximum Power Tracking and Power Sharing in Grid Connected WECS Using Modified PFC Rectifier and PR Controlled Inverter Ms. Teena George Electrical and Electronics Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor and Francis 15325008.2020.1857473 SCIE
2 2021 ZrC-Impregnated Titanium-Based Coating as an Effective Lubricating Barrier for Artificial Hip Prosthesis Dr.S. Christopher Ezhil Singh Mechanical Materials Performance and Characterization doi:10.1520/MPC20200075 SCOPUS
3 2021 Malignancy detection on mammograms by integrating modified convolutional neural network classifier and texture features Dr.Jayesh George,Dr.Anto Sahaya Dhas,Binil Kumar K,Adarsh K S Electronics and Communication International Journal of Imaging systems and technology ( 1098-1098 SCIE
4 2021 Automated Papaya Farm Monitoring system using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Dr.Jayesh George, Anto Sahaya Dhas and Kiran Joseph Electronics and Communication SSRN Electronic Journal 1556-5068 UGC
5 2021 Deep learning based robust medical image watermarking exploiting DCT & Harris hawks optimization Ms.Anusha Chacko Electronics and Communication International Journal of intelligent systems,WILEY 2021 1098-111X SCOPUS
6 2021 Computational system for medical image authentication using watermarking Ms.Anusha Chacko Electronics and Communication CoMeSySo-2021 978-3-030-90317-6 SCOPUS
7 2021 Prediction of fatigue crack initiation life in SA312 type 304LN austenetic stainless steel straight pipe with nodes KV Anjusha Electronics and Communication Nuclear Engineering and Technology 1738-5733 SCOPUS
8 2021 Influence of AZ91 Alloy Reinforced with Nano B4C particles on Microstructural Characterization, Mechanical and Tribological Properties prepared Through Powder Metallurgy Dr. S. Christopher Ezhil Singh Mechanical Material Research Express, IOP Science 2053-1591 SCI
9 2021 Sports Utility Vehicle Prediction based on Machine Learning Approach Dr. S. Christopher Ezhil Singh Mechanical Journal of Applied Research and Technology 16656423 SCOPUS
10 2021 Flexural Behaviour of RC Beams with a Circular Opening at the Flexural Zone and Shear Zone Strengthened Using Steel Plates Dr. S. Christopher Ezhil Singh Mechanical Advances in Civil Engineering, DOI:10.1155/2021/6733402 SCI
11 2021 Investigation on mechanical properties for PolyJet-printed parts involving material reduction strategy Dr. Sreekanth M P Mechanical International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing 1757-8817 SCOPUS

Sl.No Year Title of the paper Faculty Name Faculty Department Journal Name ISSN No. Listed in
1 2020 Automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy with the aid of adaptive average filtering with optimized deep convolutional neural network Dr.Roshini T V , Ms.Reema Mathew Electronics and Communication International Journal of imaging and system technology 1098-1098 SCIE
2 2020 Moth-Flame Optimization Based Radiant Thermal Pattern Controller for Continuous Stirred Tank Heater Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research ISSN 2277-8616 SCOPUS
3 2020 ?Surface structural features and wear analysis of a multilayer Ti-6Al-4V-B 4 C thin film coated AISI 1040 steel?, Dr.Christopher Ezhil Singh.S, Mechanical Materials Research Express ??? IOP Science,
4 2020 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): A co-generation tool in Product Life cycle Managamenet (PLM) P Sridharan Mechanical IJITEE
5 2020 A Controllable Window Function for modelling nonlinerainty of a HP memristor model resultant from sigmiodal behaviour of memristive method P Sridharan Mechanical Studio Rosenthaliana (Journal of Study of Research)
6 2020 ?Wear and Corrosion Behavior of Ti-based Coating on Biomedical Implants?, Dr.Christopher Ezhil Singh.S, Mechanical Surface Engineering (Taylor and Francis) SCI
7 2020 Optimization Tool Wear on Hard Turning of AISI4140 Steel with Coated Carbide Tool Cutting Conditions Dr.Christopher Ezhil Singh.S, Mechanical IJITEE Others
8 2020 ?Machine Tool Vibration on dimensional accuracy and Surface Roughness during Milling Operation of Al6082 with Indexable Carbide Inserts?, Dr.Christopher Ezhil Singh.S, Mechanical Journal of Applied Research Technology, Scopus
9 2020 ?TG/DTA studies on the oxidation and thermal behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V-B 4 C coatings obtained by magnetron sputtering?, Dr.Christopher Ezhil Singh.S, Mechanical Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Scopus
10 2020 Optimization algorithms, an?effective tool for?the?design of?digital filters; a?review Dr.Roshini T V Electronics and Communication Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing SCIE & SCOPUS
11 2020 Individual customization strategy accomplished by developing prototype of a laparoscopic forceps handle using additive manufacturing Dr. SREEKANTH P. Mechanical Rapid Prototyping Journal Vol. 26 No. 4, pp. 689-697. Scopus
12 2020 Smart Stick for blinds with advanced face recognition and Vehicle detection using machine learning Aswani K , Nirmal Sudharman , Keerthijith P , Kavya Rajeev , Athullya Tomy Computer Science International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653 UGC
13 2020 Effect of nano B 4 C on the tribological behaviour of magnesium alloy prepared through powder metallurgy Christopher Ezhil Singh.S, Mechanical Materials Science, DOI: Scopus
14 2020 ?Tensile and compression behaviour, microstructural characterization on Mg-3Zn-3Sn-0.7Mn alloy reinforced with SiCp prepared through powder metallurgy method?, Christopher Ezhil Singh.S, Mechanical Materials Research Express ??? IOP Science, DOI 10.1088/2053-1591/abb85a
15 2020 ?Dry Sliding Friction of Al-Si-B 4 C Composites Prepared Through Powder Metallurgy using Taguchi Design?, Christopher Ezhil Singh.S, Mechanical IJITEE ISSN: 2278-3075 DOI:10.35940/ijitee.F3462.1091220
16 2020 Analysis of Sneak Path Issues in Memristor Based 4x4 And 8x8Crossbar Nonvolatile Random AccessMemory Array Dr.P.Sridharan Dr.V.Sampathkumar Mechanical Solid State Technologies ISSN:0038-111X Scopus
17 2020 Prediction and performance emission characteristics of direct Ignition engine with biofuel using artificial neural networks. Dr.P.Sridharan Dr.V.Sampathkumar Mechanical Interciencia Journal UGC
18 2020 Optimization on friction and wear behaviour of Al-Si alloy reinforced with B 4 C particles by Powder Metallurgy using Taguchi design Christopher Ezhil singh S, Mechanical Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, DOI: 10.24425/bpasts.2020.135379
19 2020 Early detection and classification of breast tumor from mammogram images Jayesh George Melekoodappattu, V.Vijikala, D.Anto Sahaya Dhas Electronics and Communication International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 1475-7192 Scopus
20 2020 optimization on friction and wear behavior of Al-Si alloy reinforced with B4C particles by Powder Metallurgy using Taguchi design Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation Bulletin of the Polish Academy Of Sciences Technical Sciences SCIE
21 2020 A tumour segmentation approach from FLAIR MRI brain images using SVM and genetic algorithm Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET) 1752-6418 SCIE
22 2020 Detection and classification of breast cancer from digital mammograms using Hybrid Extreme Learning Machine Classifier Dr. Jayesh George M Electronics and Communication International Journal of Imaging systems and technology 1098-1098 SCIE
23 2020 Driver Exhaustion Detection Systems Akhila Mathew Computer Science IJESC 2321 3361 UGC
24 2020 Approaching Bus Driver Collapse Exposure Entity Situated upon Rumbustious Observable Inquiry as Concerns Eye Eventuality Akhila Mathew Computer Science International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 2321-9653 UGC
25 2020 Kidney Transplantation System for Matching and Donor Recipient Verification using BlockChain Akhila Mathew Computer Science International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 2321-9654 UGC
26 2020 Script identification: AReview Reema Mathew Electronics and Communication International Journal of Current Engineering and ScientificResearch 2394-0697
27 2020 Identification of PlantDisease: A Review?, Reema Mathew Electronics and Communication International Journal of Current Engineering and ScientificResearch 2394-0697
28 2020 Machine Learning and Internet of Things based Fruit Quality Monitoring System:A Proof of Concept Implementation and Analysis Ms. Neena V V Computer Science International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653 DOI:10.22214/ijraset.2020.6373 UGC
29 2020 Automatic Form Filler Ancy K Sunny Computer Science International Journal for Research in Applied science & Engineering Technology, Volume 8, Issue VI, June 2020. DOI : UGC
30 2020 Weight Optimized Neural Network for Heart Disease Prediction using Hybrid Lion Plus Particle Swarm A l g o r i t h m Dr.Renji P Cherian Computer Science J o u r n a l o f B i o m e d i c a l I n f o r m a t i c s 1532-0464; SCIE
31 2020 Bitcoin : An Overview of the Innovative D4ntralised Digital Currency Ms. Keerthijith. P Computer Science Journal of Computer, Internet and Network Security ISSN : 2457-0176(Online). UGC
32 2020 Frame-Angle Controlled Wavelet Modulated Inverter and Self-Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking for Wind Energy Conversion System Ms. Teena George Electrical and Electronics IEEE ACCESS ISSN:??2169-3536 SCOPUS
33 2020 MODELING AND CONFIGURATIONS OF AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE Ms.Shelma George Electrical and Electronics International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499 DOI:10.34218/IJARET.11.12.2020.057 SCOPUS
34 2020 A Bibliometric Review of Stock Market Prediction: Perspective of Emerging Markets Arjun R Computer Science Journal of Applied Computer Systems ISSN 2255-8691 (online) ISSN 2255-8683 (print) SCOPUS
35 2020 Comparison Method of PSO and DE Optimization for MPPT in PV Systems under Partial Shading Conditions R. Senthilkumar Electrical and Electronics International Energy Journal ISSN:??1513-718X SCOPUS
36 2020 A Unified Tensor Framework for Clustering and Simultaneous Reconstruction of Incomplete Imaging Data JOBIN FRANCIS Electronics and Communication ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl 1551-6857 SCOPUS
37 2020 A Two-Way Optimization Framework for Clustering of Images using Weighted Tensor Nuclear Norm Approximation JOBIN FRANCIS Electronics and Communication IEEE Xplore 978-1-7281-5120-5/20 SCOPUS
38 2020 Automated breast cancer detection using hybrid extreme learning machine classifier Jayesh George Melekoodappattu, Perumal Sankar Subbian Electronics and Communication Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing SCI
39 2020 Early detection of breast malignancy using wavelet features and optimized classifier Dr. Jayesh George M Electronics and Communication International Journal of Imaging systems and technology 1098-1098 SCIE

Sl.No Year Title of the paper Faculty Name Faculty Department Journal Name ISSN No. Listed in
1 2019 Emerging Techniques and Trends in DNA Cryptography Ms. Akhila Mathew Computer Science STM Journal ISSN: 2229-6964 (Online) ISSN: 2347-7229 (Print) UGC
2 2019 Survey on Static and Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Techniques Ms.Keerthijith P Computer Science IJSR 2319-7064 UGC
3 2019 ELM Based Detection of Microcalcification in Mammogram using GLCM Features Mr.Jayesh George Electronics and Communication International Journal of R4nt Technology and Engineering 2277-3878 SCOPUS
4 2019 Experimental analysis and effects of Gasoline as an additive in Compression Ignition Engine Appu Kurian, Rameshan K.P, Ryne P.M Mechanical IJITEE ISSN: 2278-3075, DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.19640.0881019 SCOPUS
5 2019 Modeling of a Gasifier Using Cycle-Tempo for SOFC Applications Dr.John T D Mechanical AIP Conference Proceeding SCOPUS
6 2019 Biomass Densification of Ahl Powder Mechanical Properties Using RSM Dr.Christopher Ezhil singh S, Mechanical Interciencia Journal ISSN:0378-1844 UGC
7 2019 Thermal Degradation On Biomass Briquettes Of Artocarphus Heterophyllus Leaf Powder Dr.Christopher Ezhil singh S, Mechanical Interciencia Journal ISSN:0378-1844 UGC
8 2019 Grid frequency regulation by hybrid system using energy storage system Dr.P.Sridharan Mechanical Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development ISSN: 0019-5537 UGC
9 2019 A Hybridized ELM for Automatic Micro Calcification Detection in Mammogram Images Based on Multi-Scale Features Mr.Jayesh George Electronics and Communication Journal of Medical Systems 1573-689X SCIE
10 2019 Automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy with the aid of adaptive average filtering with optimized deep convolutional neural network Dr.Roshini T V , Ms.Reema Mathew Electronics and Communication International Journal of imaging and system technology DOI: 10.1002/ima.22419DOI: 1 SCIE
11 2019 Analysis of ph neutralization using ANFIS based queuing algorithm Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control SystemsVolume 11, Issue 6 Special Issue, Pages 1610 - 1617, 2019
12 2019 Fractional order controller design for SEPIC converter using metaheuristic algorithm Dr.R.Senthilkumar, Dr.G.Justin Sunil Dhas Electrical and Electronics Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy System 1064-1246 SCIE
13 2019 Watermarking Schemes for High Security with Applications and Attacks: Research Challenges and Open Issues, Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation International Journal of R4nt Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2277-3878 SCOPUS
14 2019 Corrosion rate of Al-Si Alloy Reinforced with B4C Nanoparticle prepared by Powder Metallurgy Method using RSM , Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 2278-3075 SCOPUS
15 2019 Development of an Adaptive PID Controller for a Nonlinear Process Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 0973-4562 SCOPUS
16 2019 Emerging Techniques and Trends in DNA Cryptography Ms. Akhila Mathew Computer Science STM Journal ISSN: 2229-6964 (Online) ISSN: 2347-7229 (Print) UGC
17 2019 Survey on Static and Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Techniques Ms.Keerthijith P Computer Science IJSR 2319-7064 UGC
18 2019 A Hybridized ELM for Automatic Micro Calcification Detection in Mammogram Images Based on Multi-Scale Features Mr.Jayesh George Electronics and Communication Journal of Medical Systems 0148-5598 SCOPUS / SCI(E)
19 2019 Experimental analysis and effects of Gasoline as an additive in Compression Ignition Engine Appu Kurian, Rameshan K.P, Ryne P.M Mechanical IJITEE ISSN: 2278-3075, DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.19640.0881019 SCOPUS
20 2019 Modeling of a Gasifier Using Cycle-Tempo for SOFC Applications Dr.John T D Mechanical AIP Conference Proceeding SCOPUS
21 2019 Biomass Densification of Ahl Powder Mechanical Properties Using RSM Dr.Christopher Ezhil singh S, Mechanical Interciencia Journal ISSN:0378-1844 SCIE
22 2019 Thermal Degradation On Biomass Briquettes Of Artocarphus Heterophyllus Leaf Powder Dr.Christopher Ezhil singh S, Mechanical Interciencia Journal ISSN:0378-1844 SCIE
23 2019 Grid frequency regulation by hybrid system using energy storage system Dr.P.Sridharan Mechanical Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development ISSN: 0019-5537 UGC
24 2019 Elm Based Detection of Micro-Calcification in Mammogram using Glcm Features Jayesh George Melekoodappattu, Perumal Sankar Subbian Electronics and Communication International Journal of R4nt Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878 UGC
25 2019 Design of a novel controller to stabilize the dc level of photovoltaic system for low voltage stand alone applications Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation 1943023X Scopus
26 2019 Design of a Novel Controller to Maintain DC Level of PV System for Low Voltage Applications ? a Review Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation 1. International Journal of R4nt Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Volume-7 Issue-5S2, January 2019. pp. 115???159. 2277-3878 Scopus
27 2019 Improved Least Mean Square Algorithm for 5G signals in Microwave ?Photonic Link Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 ??? 8958, Volume-8 Issue-4, April 2019 Scopus
28 2019 , Increasing the Coverage Area Using Microcells in Hybrid GFDM System based on RoF Technology Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation International Journal of R4nt Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2277-3878 Scopus
29 2019 Enhanced Noise Curtailing In Long Haul Multi Service 5g Cellular Optical Hybrid Networks Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems Scopus
30 2019 Watermarking Schemes for High Security with Applications and Attacks: Research Challenges and Open Issues, Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation International Journal of R4nt Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2277-3878 SCOPUS
31 2019 Corrosion rate of Al-Si Alloy Reinforced with B4C Nanoparticle prepared by Powder Metallurgy Method using RSM , Glan Devadhas.G, Dr.Christopher Ezhil Singh.S, Electronics and Instrumentation International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 2278-3075 SCOPUS
32 2019 Development of an Adaptive PID Controller for a Nonlinear Process Dhanoj Mohan1 , Dr. Rathika Rani2 , Dr. G.Glan Devadhas3 , Dr. K.Gopakumar4 , Sudharsana Vijayan5 , Electronics and Instrumentation International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 0973-4562 UGC
33 2019 Non linearity mitigation and dispersion reduction using Bussgang theorem, modified MSE and improved MLE equalizers, Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems 0141-9331 SCIE
34 2019 Design and development of new control technique for standalone PV System Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems 0141-9331 SCIE
35 2019 Detection of pH Neutralization Technique in multiple tanks using ANFIS controller Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems 0141-9331 SCIE
36 2019 Various Methods for Object Detection Based on Deep Learning Ms.Neena V V Computer Science International Journal of R4nt Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878 Scopus
37 2019 Optimization algorithms, an efective tool for the design of digital flters; a review Dr.Roshini T V Electronics and Communication ournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12652-019-01431 SCI
38 2019 An improved brain tumor classification system using Wavelet transform and Neural network Dr.Anto Sahaya Dhas Electronics and Communication West Indian Medical journal 0043-3144 SCI
39 2019 A novel decision support system for malignant tumor using 3D reconstruction and volumetric analysis Dr.Anto Sahaya Dhas Electronics and Communication Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamics and Control Systems 1943-023X Scopus

Sl.No Year Title of the paper Faculty Name Faculty Department Journal Name ISSN No. Listed in
1 2018 A Feasibility Study On C-RAN Dr. Anto Sahaya Dhas Electronics and Communication MAT Journals Pvt.Ltd. _
2 2018 Micro-calcification Detection In Digital Mammogram Jayesh George Electronics and Communication MAT Journals Pvt.Ltd. _
3 2018 An improved classification system for brain tumours using wavelet transfor and neural network Dr. Anto Sahaya Dhas Electronics and Communication University of the West Indies 2309-5830 (ISSN) SCIE
4 2018 Epilepsy deteection based on EEG signals Adarsh k S Electronics and Communication MAT Journals Pvt.Ltd. _
5 2018 A Critical analysis on the evolution in the E-payment system ,security risk threats and vulnerability Jerrin Yomas Electronics and Communication FOUNDATION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE 2394-4714(ISSN) _
6 2018 Metamaterial patch antenna with PBG structure to reduce surface wave Manoj K C Electronics and Communication Institute for Technology and Research, Bhubaneswar, India 2320-2084 e _
7 2018 ELM Based Detection of Microcalcification in Mammogram using GLCM Features Jayesh George Electronics and Communication WILEY SCOPUS
8 2018 A Hybridized ELM for Automatic Micro Calcification Detection in Mammogram Images Based on Multi-Scale Features Jayesh George Melekoodappattu Electronics and Communication SPRINGER SCIE & SCOPUS
9 2018 A novel design for PV integrated buck converter using MPPT and sub MPPT Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control SystemsVolume 10, Issue 8, Pages 28 - 36, 2018
10 2018 MICROGRIDS -A FUTURE SMART GRID DESIGN Dr.G.Justin Sunil Dhas Journal of Power Electronics and Devices
11 2018 Brain tumor detection and segmentation using a wrapper based genetic algorithm for optimized feature set Dr.G.Glan Devadhas Electronics and Instrumentation Springer Cluster Computing volume 22, pages13369???13380 (2019) ISSN 1386-7857 SCIE