College Code : VML


International Youth Day - NSS VJEC has organized an online quiz for the students.

Value Added Course on Fundamentals of Python from 17th July 2024 to 21st July 2024 by EEE department for S5 EEE students

Organize a Faculty Development Program on “OBE - Philosophy and Practices” for faculty members. This program is planned for July 8th to 10th,2024.

EEE Alumni meet -23 will be conducted on 23rd December 2023 at varikkattu hall of VimalJyothi Engineering College at 10.00 am .All alumni members of EEE department are cordially invited. Registration link:

Department of Electrical and Electronics engineering in association with IEEE conducted an Aurdino workshop called " Pitch Your Spark 2.0" at Sir Syed Higher Secondary School Taliparamba on 22.12.2023 from 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM

IEEE CASS and Photonics Society

By EE Department

Organized by IEEE RAS

by IEEE CAS - for EC students


Seminar organized by IEEE - Computer Society
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IEEE SB - Workshop

Inauguration of IEEE CASS and Photonics SBC VJEC

IEEE RAS SBC Inaugural Function

All Kerala Power and Evergy Society Student Congress 2021 (AKPESSC'21). the flagship event of IEEE PES kerala Chapter will be hosted at Vimal Jyothi Engineering College. chemperi kannur on 31st December 2021 to 2nd January 2022 .The Student congress will summarises of technical workshops, technical talks. Industrial visits and so on. We have 120 delegates from various engineering colleges across the kerala and have 30 volunteers from Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

IEEE Malabar Subsection in association with IEEE Malabar Hub & IEEE Student Branch, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom Meeting Webinar 56 Date: 24/06/2021 Time: 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm Title: High Reporting Rate Measurements for Smarter Grids Dr Mihaela Albu Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, EB129 Politehnica University of Bucharest Bucharest, Romania

IEEE SB conducted an quiz competition exclusively for the IEEE SB students

IEEE IAS VJEC SB conducted an Workshop on " Solar technology" on 20th june 2021

IEEE PELS VJEC conducting an RDLP programme by Dr.G.Bhuvaneswari,IIT Delhi

IEEE SB conducted an CLEVER PATCH Competition

IEEE WIE WEEK programme by Sally Varma

IEEE SB organized an slogan writing competition exclusively for the IEEE SB students

IEEE SB Programme on Opportunities in Public sector jobs by Entri App

IEEE SB conducted an programme on article writing competition on 12th may 2021

IEEE IAS VJEC SB conducted an workshop on app development on staring from 12 may 2021-12th august 2021

IEEE IAS VJEC SB workshop on " Internet Of things" By Mr.Sarin C.R. AP EEE VJEC

IEEE PES condcuting an talk on Importance of IEEE PES DAY and of the theme By Er.Ananthu S Kumar

IEEE PES programme on significance of IEEE IN Career development by Er.Suhair A.K. PES Chair Kerala section

IEEE PES new and renewable energy quiz

IEEE WIE VJEC SB conducting an quiz competition on 8th march 2021

Sir/ Ma'am, Women in Engineering Affinity Group IEEE -VJEC is conducting an online interactive session with Thalassery Sub Collector, Ms. Anu Kumari IAS on " Women Empowerment " at 5.30 PM on 8th March 2022. Join WebEx meeting Meeting number: 2532 203 2780 Meeting password: e22gQMPJkm3
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We the Department of EEE, in association with IEEE Power Electronics Society Vimal Jyothi Chapter , conducting an Distinguished Lecturer Programme (International Seminar ) online on 27/02/2021 at 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm. All are welcome. DLP programme is online and is conducted through Cisco Webex Topic : Multi-Cell & Multi-Level Power Converters - A Way to Go Beyond the Limits, Time : 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm IST, Speaker Name: Dr.Petar J Grbovic, Head of the Innsbruck Power electronics Lab (I-PEL), University of Innsbruck, Austria
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We the Department of EEE, in association with IEEE Power and Energy Society Vimal Jyothi Chapter, conducting an Distinguished Lecturer Programme (International Seminar ) online on 26/02/2021 at 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm IST. All are welcome. DLP programme is online and is conducted through Cisco Webex Topic : Computational challenges for power system operation, Time : 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm IST Speaker Name: Mr. Yousu Chen, Chief Engineer, Electrical Security Group Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, USA


IEEE PES conducting an online treasure hunt

IEEE PELS SBC VJEC is organising an event EXOUSIA, we invites you to join an informative webinar with two prominent speakers. Topic: High Efficiency Wireless Power Transfer System. Speakers: Dr. Huang-Jen Chiu, Distingushed Professor of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei; Dean, Office of Industry-Academia Collaboration and Dr. Yu-Chen (Steven) Li, Project Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Ilan University, Taiwan. Date: 12th August 2020, Time: 8.00 PM to 9.00 PM (IST), Venue: Google Meet.

IEEE IAS Vimal Jyothi Engineering College SB is organizing a webinar on "Membership Development & Benefits of becoming an IAS member" as part of IAS -Chapters Virtual Meeting Program. ?�?Date: 26th July 2020 �?��?Time: 7:20 pm IST (India Standard Time, UTC/GMT 5:30). ?Platform: Google Meet. Keynote speakers are 1. Dr. Peter Magyar, IAS Director of Chapter Development. 2. Lesley Arakkal, IAS Chapters and Membership Department Chair. 3. Megha Tak, Consultant, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), USA.
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IEEE IAS SB Vimal Jyothi Engineering College brings you a webinar on the topic, Electrical safety. We are honored to introduce our speaker, Mr. Daniel Roberts, IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Committee Chair & Sr. Manager - Electrical Safety Consulting, North America Operations (Schneider Electric.) Date: 20th July 2020, Time: 7.15pm - 8.40pm (IST), Platform: Google Meet.
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IEEE PES conducting an IEEE PES Diaries contest

IEEE PES SBC Vimal Jyothi Engineering College brings you a webinar on the topic, Microgrid Management. We are honored to introduce our speaker, Speaker : Dr. Mo-Yuen Chow, IEEE Fellow, Professor, Director of Advanced Diagnosis, Automation, and Control (ADAC) Laboratory, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA. We are very excited to host this event and we hope you all are excited to participate in it too. Date : 10 July 2020, Time : 8:00 PM IST, Platform : Google Meet. Take this opportunity to brush up your knowledge.

IEEE SB conducted an talk on talk with your doctor by Dr.Sarun Gosh

IEEE PES SB Vimal Jyothi Engineering College brings you a webinar on the topic, Energy Security. We are honoured to introduce our speaker, Dr. Clinton J. Andrews (Associate Dean for Research, Professor of Urban Planning & Policy Development, New Jersey, USA). We are very excited to host this event and we hope you all are excited to participate in it too. Date : 12 June 2020, Time : 8:00 PM IST, Platform : Cisco Webex. Take this opportunity to brush up your knowledge.
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IEEE PES International Webinar on Autonomous vehicles

IEEE PES International Webinar on Autonomous vehicles

IEEE PES SB VJEC in association with IEEE WIE conducted a webinar on “Opportunities in IEEE PES�?.The speaker of the Webinar is Mr.Juan Carlos Montero, Works at Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad.The webinar is conducted on 01/05/2020.

IEEE PES SB VJEC in association with IEEE WIE conducted a webinar on “Women in IEEE�?.The speaker of the Webinar is ER.Staji Wilson, IEEE PES DAY 2020 Global Head.The webinar is conducted on 26/04/2020.

IEEE MALABR HUB conducted a panel discussion based on the topic “Is kerala Technologically Ready for another pandemic�?.Prof:Laly James ,HOD EEE,VSAC IEEE MALABAR HUB is one of the speaker in the panel discussion.


Technology refresher program - Intelligent Embedded system

Science Week Celebration of IEEE SB VJEC

EEE department in association with Go Green Club of VJEC is conducting a quiz competition on National Science Day (28/02/2019) at Varicattu hall at 12.15 pm.

Submit your paper

IEEE WIE affinity group of Vimal Jyothi Engineering College conducted Digital literacy for Kudumbashree members of Eruvessy panchayath on 06/11/2018 at VJEC .35 members of different kudumbashree units of Eruvessy panchayath were participated. 27 IEEE students actively taken classes and they were supervised under Ms. Lipina Gopal M(IEEE WIE VJEC Staff Advisor) & Mr. Prabhin James(IEEE PES & PELS VJEC Staff Advisor).
Hearty congratulations to staff and students for their commitment during the holiday

IEEE WIE affinity group of Vimal Jyothi Engineering College conducted Digital literacy for Kudumbashree members of Eruvessy panchayath on 06/11/2018 at VJEC .35 members of different kudumbashree units of Eruvessy panchayath were participated. 27 IEEE students actively taken classes and they were supervised under Ms. Lipina Gopal M(IEEE WIE VJEC Staff Advisor) & Mr. Prabhin James(IEEE PES & PELS VJEC Staff Advisor).
Hearty congratulations to staff and students for their commitment during the holiday

IEEE WIE affinity group of Vimal Jyothi Engineering College conducted Digital literacy for Kudumbashree members of Eruvessy panchayath on 06/11/2018 at VJEC .35 members of different kudumbashree units of Eruvessy panchayath were participated. 27 IEEE students actively taken classes and they were supervised under Ms. Lipina Gopal M(IEEE WIE VJEC Staff Advisor) & Mr. Prabhin James(IEEE PES & PELS VJEC Staff Advisor).
Hearty congratulations to staff and students for their commitment during the holiday

IEEE WIE affinity group of Vimal Jyothi Engineering College conducted Digital literacy for Kudumbashree members of Eruvessy panchayath on 06/11/2018 at VJEC .35 members of different kudumbashree units of Eruvessy panchayath were participated. 27 IEEE students actively taken classes and they were supervised under Ms. Lipina Gopal M(IEEE WIE VJEC Staff Advisor) & Mr. Prabhin James(IEEE PES & PELS VJEC Staff Advisor).
Hearty congratulations to staff and students for their commitment during the holiday

Department of EEE is Planning to Organize a National Seminar on "Recent Advancements in Power Systems" on 19th February 2016.

Department of EEE , in association with IEEE IAS are is organizing a One day Industry Oriented Hands on workshop for S1&S2 EEE Students on 12/02/2016 on a topic " Introduction to Embedded Systems "

KITeS (Kerala IEEE Technical Symposium)'15 is the most awaited platform to enrich Technical Skills with a handfull of quality Workshops. KITeS focuses on providing technical enrichment by offering multiple workshops as well as other platforms to showcase the technical skills of the participants. The event will be organised by our college on 23rd, 24th and 25th of August 2015.