College Code : VML


Five-day Faculty Development Programme on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence Techniques for System Design and Control," sponsored by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University from May 22nd to May 26th, 2023.
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For Applied Electronics and Instrumentation students
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Add-on course for S4 and S6 Applied Electronics and Instrumentation students
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Seminar for Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engg. students
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For BTech Applied Electronics and Instrumentation students

Unique Calibration Technoligies
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Brochure:Two day Workshop on Industrial automation

DATE : 22,23/01/2019

ICICICT 2017 - IEEE international Conference

Inauguration of new professional chapter of International Society of Automation (ISA) followed by a Technical talk on "Overview about EPCC and its opportunities in India and Abroad"
Inaguration of ISA chapter  More Details

Inauguration of new professional chapter of International Society of Automation (ISA) followed by a Technical talk on "Overview about EPCC and its opportunities in India and Abroad"
Inaguration of ISA chapter

Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering is planning to organise a Faculty Development Program on "Advanced Industrial Automation" by INDWELL, Pune from 28/11/2016 to 02/12/2016.
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Department of Electronics & Instrumentation engg is planning to organize a Workshop on "VISUAL PROGRAMMING AURDUINO " on 28th September 2016 at Research Lab.The program will commence at 9.00 am.

Raspberry PI Workshop on august 8,9,&10th

Department of Electronics and Instrumentation in association with ISOI presents PG Diploma in Industrial Automation on 4th to 30th May 2016.

The Department of Electronics and Instrumentation is planning to organize a 3 day workshop on 'PYTHON & OPEN CV on RASPBERRY PI' on 24/2/2016 to 26/2/2016.

Department of E&I in association with ISOI is organising a 3 Day Workshop on PYTHON & OPEN CV on RASPBERRY PI.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering conducting One day workshop on Raspberry pi on 17 th July 2014. Trainers are from Bitsforge Technologies Pvt Ltd, Ernakulam .