College Code : VML

Department Committees & Clubs

Department Advisory Board

The Advisory board of Electronics and Instrumentation department provides advice and support to the departments proposed and existing academic and educational programs and other activities. It helps us in maintaining effective liaison with the University and external world. They also provide guidance strategies and help us to maintain and upgrade the reputation of the department in undergraduate, graduate and research activities.

DAB Members
  • Dr. Benny Joseph, Principal
  • Rev. Fr. James Chellamkottu (Manager VJEC)
  • Dr.G.Glan Devadhas (Vice Principal)
Industrial Experts
  • Mr. Sunil Paul,CEO,Srishti Robotics Technologies Pvt. Ltd
  • Mr. Akhil Jose , Managing Director,Sree Technologices
Representatives of Alumni
  • Rasel Muhammed (2006-10 Batch)
  • Mr. Tinu Thomas (2009-11 Batch)
  • Ms. Thara P Murali(2015-19 Batch)
  • Ms. Anusree P S(2016-20 Batch)
Representatives of Parents
  • Mr. Pradeep(Mrinal C Pradeep,S4 AEI)
  • Sathiananda Prakasan K(Kashyap P,S3 AEI)
  • Jose (Sneha Jose, S5 AEI )
Representatives of Staff
  • Mr. Dhanoj M(AP,AEI)
  • Mr.Shinu M M (AP,AEI)
  • Jinsa Mathew(AP,AEI)
  • Reshma K V(AP,AEI)